How to Calculate Your TOEFL Score

How to Calculate Your TOEFL Score

Have you taken your TOEFL test? If you have, I believe you already knew how much you get your score. But did you wonder where your score comes up from? Me, myself at first felt very confused because I've never got score with three digits before. If you have the same feeling like me, let's take a look how do we get our TOEFL Score.

To find out our TOEFL score, there are at least 2 stages. First, we need to convert the correct answers that we have through TOEFL scoring table as follows:

For example, if we have 35 correct answers in section 1, 30 correct answers in section 2 and 48 correct answers in section 3 then we can see how do we convert the score as follows:

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
The Correct Answers
Converted Score

The next stage:
1. sum up all of the converted scores :  54 + 54 + 65 = 173
2. divide into 3 : 173/3 = 57.7
3. times to 10 : 57.7 x 10 = 577
So, your TOEFL score is 577

Satria Muttaqin


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