
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2018

Installar tema mac en ubuntu

Installar tema mac en ubuntu: Link Dock https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/03/make-ubuntu-look-like-mac-5-steps

Instalar Maple linux

Ejecutamos el instalador donde clic y seguimos los pasos del asistente de instalación. Ya instalado Maple procedemos a ejecutar el crack para activarlo. Primero necesitamos instalar el paquete lsb. sudo aptitude install lsb Después entramos a la carpeta del crack Ejecutamos el archivo " maple_2015_lic.sh" sh maple_2015_lic.sh Ahora ya podemos abrir Maple.

Copiar archivos protegidos en Ubuntu desde la Terminal

En modo gráfico Para ejecutar “Nautilus” como super usuario en modo gráfico, solo abre una terminal y escribe lo siguiente: sudo nautilus


Instalar latex2rtf Para instalar latex2rtf en Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) ejecutar los siguientes comandos: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install latex2rtf     Example latex2rtf -o out.rtf simple.tex latex2rtf -f2 -o out2.rtf simple.tex latex2rtf -M2 -f0 -o out3.rtf simple.tex 

LATEX to HTML to word or PDF to Word

      latex2html texfile.tex -split 0 -no_navigation -info "" -address "" -html_version 4.0,unicode    sudo apt install latex2html      Otro conversor  sudo apt install pandoc   pandoc -s index.html -o example30.docx   PDF to Word http://pdf2doc.com/es/      LaTeX math to docx: pandoc -s math.tex -o example30.docx  

odt to latex

writer2latex works with Ubuntu 16.04! Installation: sudo apt-get install writer2latex writer2latex-manual How to use it: go to the target file directory and: w2l file.odt


Install Latex https://milq.github.io/install-latex-ubuntu-debian/ Convert Latex to odt or doc, or viceversa https://metakermit.com/2011/convert-latex-documents-to-odt-or-doc-and-vice-versa/ Convert LaTeX documents to .odt or .doc (and vice-versa) An easy way to convert LaTeX documents to .odt or .doc, as recommended by ohsss at Ubuntu Forums here , is via a command-line program tex4ht. You install it ( sudo apt-get install tex4ht ) and then issue these commands in your terminal: $ latex document.tex $ htlatex document.tex where document.tex is your LaTeX document. You should now get a document.html file in the same folder. You can open the html file from LibreOffice Writer and save it as .odt or .doc or copy the formatted text into some other document. For the opposite direction, I previously tried the Word-to-LaTeX Microsoft Word plug-in by GrindEQ which works good and has many options, but you can only use it for a limited number of times free of ...

Installation of the fuzzy tool for python

https://pythonhosted.org/scikit-fuzzy/install.html For python3 pip3 install -U scikit-fuzzy