
Mostrando las entradas de 2019

Using real data types in VHDL

Using real data types in VHDL    Apart from the standard types like integer and std_logic_vector's VHDL also offer  real  data types. But a real data type has a big disadvantage. It is not synthesis-able. It can be used only for simulation purposes. This disadvantage limits its use to a large extend, but there are plenty of projects where we look only for simulation results.   Before starting the coding part of a VHDL project,one has to decide whether the project to be implemented on a real FPGA or just a computer simulation is required. If it has to be ran on FPGA, then forget about the real package and use only synthesis-able data types like std_logic,integer etc... Otherwise you can reduce the time and complexity of your project by using real data types. The real data type is defined in the library called  MATH_REAL . So you have to include the following line before the entity declaration in the code: use ieee.math_real.all; The math_real packag...

GitHub from command line

Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line Putting your existing work on GitHub can let you share and collaborate in lots of great ways. If you are migrating your project from CodePlex, read the  migration guide  for more information. Tip:  If you're most comfortable with a point-and-click user interface, try adding your project with GitHub Desktop. For more information, see " Adding a repository from your local computer to GitHub Desktop " in the  GitHub Desktop Help . Warning:  Never  git add ,  commit , or  push  sensitive information to a remote repository. Sensitive information can include, but is not limited to: Passwords SSH keys AWS access keys API keys Credit card numbers PIN numbers For more information, see " Removing sensitive data from a repository ." Create a new repository  on GitHub. To avoid errors, do not initialize the new repository with  README , license, or  giti...

LCD 2004 i2c Raspberry PI

1- Necesario - una pantalla de 4 × 20 I²C (  de este tipo  )  - un convertidor lógico 3.3v-5v a 70 centavos (  ejemplo  ) 2- Conexiones Iremos cada vez que el convertidor, será lo más sencillo de explicar. Lado 5V:  conecte AVCC a + 5v desde Pi  conecte AVCC a + 5v desde pantalla  conecte AGND a GND desde PI  conecte AGND a GND desde pantalla  conecte ASCL a SCL desde pantalla  conecte ASDA a SDA desde pantalla Lado de  3,3 V  :  conecte BVCC a Pi + 3,3 V  conecte BGND a Pi GND  conecte BSCL a PI's SCL  conecte BSDA a Pi SDA Gracias a este conjunto, es posible agregar tantos componentes / módulos I²C como desee (casi), ya sea en 3.3V o 5V: los módulos de 5V están conectados al lado A del convertidor, los módulos 3.3V (incluyendo la Pi) se conectan en el lado B. 2- Activación y configuración del módulo de software I²C. Aquí, me repetiré especialmente ... Ya hemos preparado todo en el tut...